School Council
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We have four special groups of pupils who help make the school and the community a better place. Each group has their own special tasks to do. Click below to learn more!
Hello children! Have you ever heard of the "Pentraeth Perffaith" School Council? This special group is made up of pupils who help make our school a better place for everyone.
Here’s what they do:
- Whole School Assemblies: They organise special assemblies for the whole school, where we can all learn and celebrate together.
- Tidying Up: They make sure the school looks neat and tidy both inside and outside – because we all like a clean place!
- Community Celebrations: They help organise special events for everyone to join in, like Children in Need or Red Nose Day.
- Improving the School: They discuss new ideas to make the school even better. This might include getting new playground equipment to make our playtime more fun!
- Connecting with the Community: They work with people in our community to make sure our school is a welcoming place for everyone.
The council listens to everyone’s ideas and works as a team to make our school a happy, exciting, and beautiful place. So, if you have any great ideas, let them know – they’re here to help us all! 🌟
Hello children! Have you heard of the Cewri Cymraeg? This special group helps everyone in the school to speak more Welsh and enjoy the language in fun ways!
Here’s what the Cewri Cymraeg do:
- Promoting Welsh: They encourage everyone in the school and the community to speak Welsh – whether it’s in class or during playtime.
- Whole School Assemblies: They organise special assemblies to help us learn more about the Welsh language and culture.
- Promoting Reading: They help everyone find interesting books in Welsh because reading is the best way to improve our skills!
- Games in Welsh: They think of fun games we can play on the playground – so we can have fun while speaking Welsh.
- Displays: They create posters and artwork to display around the school, reminding us how special the Welsh language is.
- Promoting the Eisteddfod and Urdd: They help everyone take part in and enjoy events like the Eisteddfod and joining the Urdd.
The Cewri Cymraeg are here to make speaking Welsh fun and to help us be proud of our language. So, remember to use your Welsh every day – who knows, maybe you’ll become a 'Cawr CYmraeg' one day too! ✨
Hello children! Have you heard of the Healthy and Active Crew? This special group is here to make sure everyone in the school stays fit, healthy, and happy!
Here’s what the Healthy and Active Crew do:
- Leading Assemblies: They organise special assemblies to teach everyone about the importance of being healthy and active.
- Active Travel: They encourage everyone to travel healthily to school – walking, cycling, or scooting instead of using cars whenever possible.
- Fitness: They help everyone in the school stay fit by organising fun activities for everyone to join in.
- Sports: They arrange games and sports, whether on the school grounds or at events outside the school – a great way to stay fit and have fun with friends!
The Healthy and Active Crew are here to remind us how important it is to take care of our bodies and to make staying fit fun. So, make sure you’re moving, playing, and enjoying yourself every day! 🏃♀️🚴♂️⚽
Hello children! Have you heard of the Great Green Group? This special group is here to make sure our school helps the planet and that we all take care of the environment.
Here’s what the Great Green Group do:
- Leading Assemblies: They organise assemblies to teach everyone about the importance of helping the planet and how we can be greener.
- Monitoring Litter: They keep an eye on litter around the school and help make sure everyone puts rubbish in the right bin.
- Monitoring Recycling: They check how we recycle at school and ensure we’re doing it properly.
- Gardening and Weeding: They look after the garden and make sure the plants look beautiful and the area is clean.
- Helping the Planet: They do anything else that can help make our school greener – from saving energy to using less plastic.
The Great Green Group is here to remind us how important it is to take care of the world around us and make our school a green and clean place. So, remember to help the planet – everyone can make a difference! 🌍🌱✨