Absence & Holidays
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Reporting an absence
Phone the school on the first day of absence to tell them why your child is absent, and when you expect them to return.
If you are unable to get through on the phone, you should:
- Send a message to notify the school through the gateway app (Schoolcomms) on the first day of absence to tell them why your child is absent, and when you expect them to return, OR
- Send a message to your child's class teacher on the first day of absence to tell them why your child is absent, and when you expect them to return.
If your child is away for other reasons like a doctor's appointment or the dentist, let the school know in advance and show them a copy of the appointment text or card.
Putting the school number in your phone can save you time.
Make sure that your child only misses school for reasons which are unavoidable or are agreed and understood (authorized) by the school.
Booking holidays during school time
Avoid booking family holidays during school time.
If this is not possible to avoid, then you must talk to the school and get an answer prior to booking a holiday. You must give at least 4 weeks notice of this.
There is also a form available to parents for holiday requests and to apply for authorixed absences. Please ask a member of staff for a form if you require one, or you are welcome to print your own and return it to us (click link below).