Menai Class
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Welcome To Menai Class!

Hello, I’m Miss Evans!
I teach a nursery, reception, Year 1, and Year 2 class. The children know the class as Dosbarth Menai. I absolutely love teaching the youngest children in the school; seeing the development and progress in the learners’ skills as they move through the early years gives me great satisfaction.
Our class themes are often based on a variety of books. The learners enjoy exploring the stories and taking part in activities that align with them. In addition to the focused work, the class has several learning areas where the learners work independently on various tasks. I’m very fond of technology, and the use of technology is evident in the classroom through the learners’ independence as they record their work on apps such as SeeSaw.
Outside of school, I enjoy singing in a choir and going for walks in various places, especially on the beaches of Anglesey with my dog. This highlights the importance of taking care of ourselves and the things that matter to us. One of my main goals as a teacher is to ensure the learners’ happiness, by looking after their well-being to create a learning environment where everyone is happy and ready to learn.